However, the Nicolas Maduro´s poor
victory smells fishy due to it´s too difficult to accept that using
all the ways and resources of statal power, in order to coerce the
vote and pervert the elections, he got only two hundred thousand
votes above Henrique Capriles. As a matter of fact, we can pose some
questions: Are the election results more manipulated than ever? What
would happen if the winner was Capriles?
On one hand, Spanish left, making a
wink to authoritarian regimes, is supporting the electoral results
while it praises the fiability and modernity of the Venezuelan
electoral system. On the other hand, Spanish government has
recognised clumsily the government of Nicolas Maduro despite its
illegitimate, arrogant and authoritarian character. Both of them
should think about the fiability of an electoral telematic inventory
and the moral and ethic rate of the called assisted vote.
Those election results show the falling
of XXI century socialism. During years the government has been
subsidizing the popular sectors of society, instead to teach people
how to generate richness and promote the personal autonomy. The
direct subsidy has attracted the vote of poorest, but it hasn´t
report a well-fare State anyway; due to poverty must be defeated
teaching in hard-work culture, the effort and the equality of
opportunities. Therefore, it´s a wrong perspective to achieve the
social progress through the indiscriminate persecution of richness,
the property collectivization and the statal planification in
citizens life.
These elections will be an advance to
the formal instauration of a comunist dictadure; in fact, the country
has been known as an hybrid State, a pseudodemocracy with
totalitarian characteristics, typical of fascism and with an
important dose of populism which mobilizes people. Chavism will get
down democratic disguise and will repress with the power State any
opposition focus. In the same way, the purpose is stress the
socialist revolution; that point of view is according with
penitentiary secretary and Nicolás Maduro statements (“Anyone will hurt you, but I am preparing the cell where you will have to pay for your crimes, because you´re a fascist and killer”; “Capriles fascist, I´ll working hard in order to make you pay all the damage you´re inflicting to our country and people”).
is not fighting against government plan, but a statal project: right
now, the Venezuelan government is owner of the State, turning to
property of socialist revolution. It´s not easy to defend the ideas
of change in a not neutral State where oficialism shakes its bases
and use coercion in order to get the victory. In that way, it´s
amazing the effort made by Venezuelan opposition which is facing the
Bolivarian politics on ideas field.
is poorer than fourteen years ago: it grows up in a slowler rhythm
than its continental neighbours and it´s the most second violent
country of Latin America. Apart from, the panorama is complemented by
any positive figures such as the drop of the petroleum production and
a galloping inflation. On that abominable situation, Capriles
represents a movement of change and renovation, he knows the ways
which could situate Venezuela in the right place as emergent power.
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