I am going to try to translate my last article to English language. Probably, some words and expressions will be wrong but I will have tried it.
Twentieth October 2011 will be remembered as one of the most important dates at Spain´s History but not because it means the end of terrorism and the triumph of Right State above it, otherwise the try of ETA in order to do something.
Certainly, the terrorist group statement could be reassuring for the mind of many people who won´t have to review their cars but it´s extremely suspicious and estrange for other people mind. It´s suspicious due to terrorists have not announced their dissolution or the handover of weapons to the Justice. However, they haven´t apologize to the victims (they have only remembered their mates who are behind bars or into exile).
There is an expression that makes me laugh: “Armed conflict”. I think “Armed Conflict” is a war between countries which have declared the war each other. Can we understand that like the killing from the back of innocent people?
Is this the prize that have to pay the group in order to receive political concessions from Prime Minister Zapatero government? Is the beginning of a new stage on the extreme Basque nationalism?In any case, terrorists have managed put their mates on Local governments in Euskadi (with the passivity of Spanish institutions).
Another point that have surprised me is the International Amnesty advice to Spanish Police about Human Rights violation in Basque Country. Are not terrorist enemies of Human Rights? Is just the advice to the police? What kind of joke is that?
If you want you can comment it, thank you very much.
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ResponderEliminarNOTICIA (30-10-2011)
Nace la web tributoazapatero.com (Un Monstruo de la Política)
Por Halloween se presenta la web tributoazapatero.com: Un Monstruo de la Política, un "tributo" a Zapatero días antes de su retirada de la escena política. Una página que, según afirman sus autores, estará activa únicamente durante una semana, siendo después eliminada de Internet, y que consiste en 12 imágenes realizadas expresamente para esta ocasión donde se disfraza a ZP de monstruo. Un proyecto sencillo, pero muy interesante como curiosidad, que demuestra desde el humor que los ciudadanos tienen una visión muy crítica y ácida de los políticos españoles. La realidad es que la presentación de este espacio coincide con la cifra de 5 millones de parados. Por favor, contesta nuestra encuesta.
Encuesta: ¿Crees que es Zapatero realmente un "Monstruo" de la Política?
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Te voy a hacer caso, la verdad es que debería promocionarlo más :)