domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Roman Republic and contemporaneus democracy (II)

From that point of view, since 1978 we have been enjoying a parlamentarian regime which was a dream
during centuries; also we have to remember the traumatic experience of the Second Republic and Franco´s dictadure.

As a rule, in European scene we are not concerned about democracy difficulties during the Second World War, when Nazism tried to conquest European continent; either we recognise the breakable equilibrium at Cold War between Soviet bloc and nerveless occidental democracies. It meant not only an economic discussion, but also political and philosophic.

If citizens didn´t feel democratic system can respond satisfactorily their requirements, they would become away from and hate democratic values; that´s the most dangerous risk we have to face. As we have seen with August and the Republic, any conspirator disguissed of democrat will be able to tranform the system helped by the passivity of citizenship and using populist and demagogic instruments.

Restore citizens confidence on the Right State and focus on the studying of History and democratic postulates are the best guarantee in order to avoid tacit changes of regime. That´s why I strongly believe we need to renove the nobility of politic, making the popular representation impregnates its legislative and philosophical activities through the intelectual height of Classic Culture. I´m talking about those values which took place in Ancient Greece and Roman republic known how to reproduce in perfect way.

Nevertheless, it´s not enough with demand more preparation to our politicians, it´s necessary to demand an high level of citizenship intelectual preparation, teaching to our young generations the seed of racional and critic knowledge. Universities must teach looking at values represented by democracy, avoiding political indoctrinatement, imposition of dogmas and ideological fanatism.

In conclusion, the before reasoning should be the way to the democratic and social recuperation; if we don´t undertake the essential reforms about internal troubles of Democracy, we will take the risk of repeat traumatical historical experiences.

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